Next-Generation Cell Culture Media for 3D Cardiac Models
Generate Human Relevant Functional Cardiac Data
Physiological Metabolism
Curi Bio Cardiac Medium is formulated to replicate the in vivo extracellular environment to model physiological cardiac development. Plasma-like metabolites essential to cardiac function improve contractile force, kinetics, and responses to compounds to provide a complete medium for 3D human engineered heart tissue (EHT) experiments.
Stronger Tissues
Human EHTs show robust beating and develop stronger contractile forces in Curi Bio Cardiac Medium (CBCM) compared to conventional medium (RPMI, B27 plus insulin) in 3D culture. Results are reproducible across different cell lines, including an engineered patient line (cell line 1) and popular commercial iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (cell lines 2 and 3).
Click image to enlarge.
Improved Kinetics
Engineered heart tissues show improved contractility with faster contraction and relaxation times, suggesting enhanced calcium handling and regulation. Slower kinetics may indicate compromised development of contractile machinery.
Click image to enlarge.
Reliable Drug Response
Contractile response to compound exposure is more accurate in EHTs cultured in Curi Bio medium compared to RPMI. Contractile force increases dramatically when EHTs are exposed to external calcium and Isoproterenol, two positive inotropes in heart muscle.
Click image to enlarge.
Available Cardiac Muscle Tissue Media Products
Complete Medium Kits Designed for 3D Cardiac Muscle Development and Maturation
Reserve Your Cardiac Medium
Fill out the form below to order/reserve your medium. After you submit, a Curi Bio team member will be in touch ASAP to communicate further details.
Cardiac Growth Media Kit
Days 0-4
Contains Serum
Cardiac Maturation Media Kit
Days 4+
Click image to enlarge.
Learn More About MantaReady™
Curi Bio’s suite of products add efficiency to your 3D muscle tissue experiments.
If you are interested in learning more about how Curi Bio’s products can accelerate your research, please contact us to arrange a conversation with our team of experts.