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Originally Published in: Nature Communications (February 2025) (Link to Original Posting)
– Turnkey iPSC-based model of the NMJ with standardized hardware-software ecosystem.
– Dose dependent loss of function with botulinum toxin application for toxin potency.
– In vivo-like staining for key pre- and postsynaptic markers.
– Demonstrated wash-in and wash-out sensitivity to fast acting neurotoxins.
Originally Published in: Science Direct (January 2025) (Link to Original Posting)
Summary: This protocol provides methods for generating 3D engineered cardiac and skeletal muscle tissues and describes their use in preclinical drug screening modalities. The described methods utilize a magnetic sensing system to facilitate the simultaneous assessment of 24 tissues in parallel.
Originally Published in: JoVE Journal (2023) (Link to Paper)
Abstract: Engineered muscle tissues represent powerful tools for examining tissue level contractile properties of skeletal muscle. However, limitations in the throughput associated with standard analysis methods limit their utility for longitudinal study, high throughput drug screens, and disease modeling. Here we present a method for integrating 3D engineered skeletal muscles with a magnetic sensing system to facilitate non-invasive, longitudinal analysis of developing contraction kinetics. Using this platform, we show that engineered skeletal muscle tissues derived from both induced pluripotent stem cell and primary sources undergo improvements in contractile output over time in culture. We demonstrate how magnetic sensing of contractility can be employed for simultaneous assessment of multiple tissues subjected to different doses of known skeletal muscle inotropes as well as the stratification of healthy versus diseased functional profiles in normal and dystrophic muscle cells. Based on these data, this combined culture system and magnet-based contractility platform greatly broadens the potential for 3D engineered skeletal muscle tissues to impact the translation of novel therapies from the lab to the clinic.
Originally Published in: Sage Journals (2022) (Link to Paper)
Originally Published in: Nature Communications (February 2025) (Link to Original Posting)
The immature phenotype of human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) is a major limitation to the use of these valuable cells for pre-clinical toxicity testing and for disease modeling. Here we tested the hypothesis that human perinatal stem cell derived extracellular matrix (ECM) promotes hiPSC-CM maturation to a greater extent than mouse cell derived ECM. We refer to the human ECM as Matrix Plus (Matrix Plus) and compare effects to commercially available mouse ECM (Matrigel). hiPSC-CMs cultured on Matrix Plus mature functionally and structurally seven days after thaw from cryopreservation. Mature hiPSC-CMs showed rod-shaped morphology, highly organized sarcomeres, elevated cTnI expression and mitochondrial distribution and function like adult cardiomyocytes. Matrix Plus also promoted mature hiPSC-CM electrophysiological function and monolayers’ response to hERG ion channel specific blocker was Torsades de Pointes (TdP) reentrant arrhythmia activations in 100% of tested monolayers. Importantly, Matrix Plus enabled high throughput cardiotoxicity screening using mature human cardiomyocytes with validation utilizing reference compounds recommended for the evolving Comprehensive In Vitro Proarrhythmia Assay (CiPA) coordinated by the Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI). Matrix Plus offers a solution to the commonly encountered problem of hiPSC-CM immaturity that has hindered implementation of these human based cell assays for pre-clinical drug discovery.
Originally Published in: Nature Scientific Reports (2022) (Link to Paper)
Abstract Summary: Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a heart disease that leads to abnormal heartbeats and a higher risk of sudden cardiac death. ARVC is often caused by changes in a gene called PKP2, that then makes less PKP2 protein. PKP2 protein is important for the normal structure and function of the heart. Human ARVC characteristics can be mimicked in a mouse model missing this gene. Given no therapeutic option, our goal was to test if adding a working copy of PKP2 gene in the heart of this mouse model, using a technique called gene therapy that can deliver genes to cells, could improve heart function. Here, we show that a single dose of PKP2 gene therapy can improve heart function and heartbeats as well as extend lifespan in mice. PKP2 gene therapy may be a promising approach to treat ARVC patients with PKP2 mutations.
Originally Published in: Nature (March 2024) (Link to Paper)
Drug-induced cardiotoxicity and hepatotoxicity are major causes of drug attrition. To decrease late-stage drug attrition, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries need to establish biologically relevant models that use phenotypic screening to detect drug-induced toxicity in vitro. In this study, we sought to rapidly detect patterns of cardiotoxicity using high-content image analysis with deep learning and induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs). We screened a library of 1280 bioactive compounds and identified those with potential cardiotoxic liabilities in iPSC-CMs using a single-parameter score based on deep learning. Compounds demonstrating cardiotoxicity in iPSC-CMs included DNA intercalators, ion channel blockers, epidermal growth factor receptor, cyclin-dependent kinase, and multi-kinase inhibitors. We also screened a diverse library of molecules with unknown targets and identified chemical frameworks that show cardiotoxic signal in iPSC-CMs. By using this screening approach during target discovery and lead optimization, we can de-risk early-stage drug discovery. We show that the broad applicability of combining deep learning with iPSC technology is an effective way to interrogate cellular phenotypes and identify drugs that may protect against diseased phenotypes and deleterious mutations.
Originally Published in: eLife (2021) (Link to Paper)
Small extracellular vesicles called exosomes affect multiple autocrine and paracrine cellular phenotypes and this study reports on a new fluorescent tool that allows for live imaging of cell migration. Researchers used this tool to visualize secreted exosomes in 3D culture and in vivo and identify a role for exosomes in promoting leader–follower behavior in 2D and 3D migration. Growing their cultures on nanopatterned plates allowed easy visualization of whether exosomes were secreted from the front or back of migrating cells, something impossible to determine on standard tissue culture plates. This new tool can now be used to understand a wide variety of roles for exosomes across tissue types.
Originally Published in: Nature Communications (2020) (Link to Paper)
The integrity of the expanding epithelial sheets depends on extracellular cues, including cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Researchers show that the nano-scale topography of the extracellular matrix underlying epithelial cell layers can strongly affect the speed and morphology of the fronts of the expanding sheet which is dependent on expression of the transcription factor YAP. This process is integral to epithelial to mesenchymal transitions which is a key stage of cancer progression and metastasis.
Originally Published in: Nature Communications (2019) (Link to Paper)
This study aims to elucidate the role of cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix plays in maintenance of pluripotency. Researchers used superresolution two-color interferometric photo-activated localization microscopy to examine the three-dimensional architecture of cornerstone adhesions and report vertical lamination of FA proteins. Nanopatterned plates were used to accelerate differentiation of stem cell cultures to help examine the roles of these structural elements.
Originally Published in: Nature Communications (2019) (Link to Paper)
Data from Tenaya Therapeutics (2022)