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Product Details
Instrument Footprint: 110 x 335 x 122/34/60.5* mm
Read the Application Note
Application of Cyclic Uniaxial Stretch: New Tools for Understanding the Role of the Extracellular Matrix in Cell Biology
Compatible Cytostretcher-LV Chambers
Cytostretcher-LV Benefits
Observe Cells While Stretching
Image live cells during your stretch routines. The Cytostretcher-LV and Cytostretcher Chambers are compatible with transmitted light and high-NA fluorescence microscopy, including immersion objectives.
Maintain Focus While Stretching
The Cytostretcher-LV is the only cell mechanical stimulation system that enables consistent sample focus during stretch.
Universal Mounting Frame K
Allows for broad compatibility with many industry standard microscopes and stages. Other mount options are available upon request.
Up To 6 Parallel Cultures
Flexible Cytostretcher Chambers are available in a variety of formats, so you can mechanically condition many cultures in parallel. Larger chambers offer more culture area. Smaller chambers offer higher throughput.
Flexible Software Allows for Unprecedented Experimental Control
NaOMI – the NanoSurface Operational Mechanics Interface allows for intuitive control of stretching routines and protocols for NanoSurface Cytostretcher instruments. Learn more about NaOMI on this page.
Environmental Control Unit (ECU) for Long-Term Imaging
The Environmental Control Unit (ECU) is a microscope stage-top incubator that provides complete control of biological culture conditions, including temperature, humidity, and CO2 concentration. An included thermal camera allows for quick and continuous monitoring of sample temperature.
ECU Touch Screen Panel
A touch-panel interface provides easy control of culture conditions.
Cytostretcher Brochure
Download the Cytostretcher product brochure for general information about Cytostretcher and Cytostretcher-LV products in a convenient PDF format. For additional information, please contact
Understand the Effects of Mechanical and Microenvironmental Cues
The Cytostretcher-LV allows researchers to investigate both tissue-level mechanical strain and microenvironmental cues at the same time.
The Cytostretcher family of instruments is a powerful and easy-to-use integrated solution for cell mechanics research. The Cytostretcher and Cytostretcher-LV empower you to gain new insights into the relationship between the cell and its microenvironment – important for nearly all mammalian cell types. NanoSurface technology provides structural cues that recapitulate the native ECM within flexible stretching chambers. The included NaOMI software provides total experimental control in a clean, intuitive interface.
The flexibility and power of the Cytostretcher family of instruments ensures that every cell stretching experiment can be implemented with ease and precision.
Nanopatterned or Flat Stretch Chambers
Cytostretcher Chambers are available with either NanoSurface topography that mimics the aligned architecture of the native extracellular niche or with traditional unpatterned “flat” surfaces. Patterned chambers feature topography either aligned in parallel or perpendicular to the direction of applied stretch. NanoSurface topography promotes the development of physiologically-relevant structures and phenotypes in many cell types:
Skeletal muscle cells
Smooth muscle cells
Neuronal cells
Endothelial cells
Epithelial cells
Cancer cells
Induced pluripotent stem cells
Mesenchymal stem cells
Human embryonic stem cells
And many more